
usaha atas iman

dakwah iman & amal, karkuzari kerja, takazah, dakwah dan tabligh, bayan dan targhib....

Saturday, February 28, 2004

oleh: br. fairus yaasin (u of wisconsin @ madison)
karguzahri mesy. halaqa chicago bertempat di rockford,IL
mesy bermula lepas subuh dgn bayan oleh bro. iqbal yg baru balik 4B.lepas
cakap kebesaran allah, dia kate kita kene taubat pasal masih tak jadikan
kerja nabi sbg maksud hidup. kita adalah naib nabi. maksud naib nabi ialah,
ape saja yg ada dlm fikiran nabi kene ade dlm fikir kita. ape saje yg nabi
risaukan kita pun kene risau. mcmmana nabi spent his day, we've to spend our
day with the same way. mcmmana nabi spend his whole night, we've to spend
our night with the same way.

adab mesy.diberi oleh bro. abu bakr. antara nasihat dia ialah kita hendaklah
bawak 6 points dlm mesy. Remember that everyone has kalimah
Lailaahaillallah, jadi kita kene hormat sume org yg duduk dlm mesy. sit with
usool according to sunnah. bila kita buat mesy ikut sunnah, mesy. akan jadi
ibadat. we have to take every breath with mesy. (maksudnyer sume benda kita
nak buat, buatlah melalui mesy) If we remember allah in mesy, we'll never
get angry and we should 'ikram' other brothers by respecting their syor. sit
in mesy to pleaase allah, not to debate or to give tasks to others. always
realize that there're so many works to do and the result doesn't come
because works are not enough.

bro. zafar said ditugaskan utk putus faisal mesy. lepas mintak beberapa
syor, bro iqbal diputus'n sbg faisal.

bro. abu bakr bagi karguzahri jemaah dia 40 days west coast;
dia kate kat california pun ade mjd noor(same mcm name markaz chicago). dia
kate diorang kat sane buat usaha sgt2 mirip dan sama tertib dan usulnya mcm
kat chicago dan tpt2 lain. That's the beauty of this work. dia bagotau lagi
yg dia takde mase nak rihat pasal ramai sgt org yg nak bagi mase sampaikan
diaorang terpaksa tunggu giliran utk keluar dgn jemaah abu bakr.
4 basic demands of mesy: 1)how every person will take seriously this work 2)
how mesjid could be occupied 24 H 3)every house should be the branches of
Mesjid 4)#yg last aku tak dpt...pasal ngantuk pagi2 ni.(sape2 tau boleh ler

takaza markaz until sept.
-we've to send 40D jamaat to 34 halaqa's
-takaza Jamaica, brazil, panama
-six 4 monts jamaats

bro. iqbal bagitau nasihat maulana yusuf berkenaan mentaati tertib yg dibagi
oleh eldest:
"the sifat of rasul s.a.w can be transferred to sahaba because the mohabbat,
respect and love of the sahaba towards rasul s.a.w Similarly, the sifaat of
eldest'll be transferred if we've mohabbat, respect and love towards them"
bro iqbal kate, whatever Nizamuddin give the tertib, don't decrease or
increase it.If we follow exactly what eldest told us, there'll be barakah
and work'll increase. and if the work not increase, think about either we
not presenting the way we should present or we ourselves don't understand
the work(so we've to spend more and more time in the path of allah)

lepas breakfast, (mkan sedap; kari ,roti pita,cream cheese,sup, tapi roti
canai takde..:-)) karguzahri 5 amal diberikan. sume mjd bagi karguzahri.
antara perkara berbangkit ialah pasal mjd2 yg dah tak bagi jemaah masuk;
bro. sabir bagitau, kalau sume karkun patuh adab mesjid, perkara mcm ni
takkan berlaku. bayan hidayat yg sempurna perlu diberikan. mesy berhenti utk
solat zohor dan lunch (makan lagi!)

lepas lunch mesy diteruskan. bro iqbal bagitau lagi nasihat2 maulana yusuf
-put the whole ummah in mesyuarah
-put us in the responsibility
-help of allah'll come acccording to the responsibility that we take
-if we are not ready to spare everything for the deen of allah, we're not
qualified to sit in mesyuarah
-think how the whole ummah will get hidayat
-we can't say mesy. as the substituition of wahy because even rasul s.a.w
get the wahy., he still make mesyuarah(explaination yg detail aku tak berapa
dapat....sape tau boleh bagitau ye)

karguzahri 5 amal disambung. ade karguzahri tentang tpt yg takde washroom
dan kitchen menyebabkan jemaah takleh dtg.ade sorang bro mesjid takwa bagi
karguzahri, jemaah dia keluar di brazil terpaksa masak 15 hari dlm washroom
sampai local brothers menangis. alhamdulillah, walaupun itulah jemaah
pertama yg sampai kat situ setelah bertahun2 takde jemaah datang, satu
jemaah 3H telah dpat dikeluarkan. dia kate, kite jgn risau pasal keperluan
kita, yg penting kita kene buat usaha nabi sungguh2.

targhib usaha masturat diberi oleh bro. sabir.
-2/3 of the ummah are women and children.
-we take our family to khurooj NOT with intention to make us easy to go for
khurooj or 2 1/2 hours, but because they've the same responsibility that we
-allah give the same work of ambiyat to the women of the umat nabi s.a.w
-umar r.a embrace islam because of his sister
-usman r.a embrace islam through his aunt
-during the construction of the mesjid nabi was going on, the women asked
rasul s.a.w"can we take part in the construction of the mesjid?" due to
their strong desire, nabi s.a.w benarkan dioarang buat construction di mlm
hari, dan lelaki buat di pagi hari. ini nak tunjukkan mcmner semangat
sahabiah2 dulu.
-we've to present the life of sahaba to our family..
-every 3M, go with masturat jamaat
-do home talim e'day

lepas tu sedikit targhib usaha student diberi oleh a. sab chicago:
-usaha atas org muda penting kerana mereka adalah generasi yg akan ambil
alih usaha di masa depan.

,route 3 H diberikan. Madison attach ngan mesjid noor keluar kat NIna
wisconsin minggu ketiga. route purdue aku lupe amikkan..sori

mesy diakhiri sebelum asar. mesy seterusnya akan diadakan lebih kurang 2
bulan dari skrg(tarikh aku tak ingat, syafiq ingat kot...)bertempat di

#semoga aku yg menulis ni dpt amalkan dan sume yg bace dpt ambil
#kalau ade ape2 kesilapan tolong betulkan

posted by Hafizbar  # 11:14 PM


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